Following the recent update of Telegram (the only instant messaging platform that beats WhatsApp hands down) has brought to light VoIp meaning you can now make calls to fellow Telegram contacts without the use of Carrier airtime. But i went same way some other Social media platforms in Iran as the Muslim majority country has completely block the feature across the country. According to the Minister of Information and Communication Technology (Mahmod Vaezi)said:
"We are always try to choose best for our people and operators, but operators are free to block audio calls if it has a financial reason (not political)".
Since Telegram made a great job on voip calls, high quality and low internet usage, checking your Telegram settings the first thing you'll see is "call" and with just a click you beeping you contact. this means more talk time with your data or internet service just like Viber and the rest (WhatApp) lolz. Enjoy your day pals.
Source: @Eslahaat_press (
Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo was treated to a surprise visit abroad his rented yacht when Spanish customs agents boarded the boat in what tax authorities said Wednesday was merely a “routine check.” The Real Madrid star is said to have been stopped at high sea after leaving a restaurant on the paradise island of Formentera near Ibiza. Officials are believed to have boarded the yacht on Tuesday afternoon. Armed customs officers are reported to have boarded Cristiano Ronaldo’s holiday yacht as part of an inspection, according to Daily Mail. Ronaldo, 32, was reportedly on the yacht with girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez and friends and family when the officials approached the vessel on a large boat. The routine inspection is said to have lasted around an hour and a half. Spanish society magazine Hola, which broke the news on Wednesday, published pictures on its website of three officials boarding the yacht. Hola reported, “A Customs camera filmed everything that happened during...
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